专访 -- World Film Locations 《世界电影拍摄地》总编辑Gabriel的心得

《世界电影拍摄地》总编辑 Gabriel Solomos 专访

By 李思雪 



A:《世界电影拍摄地》这个系列最初的想法是从《大银幕》(The Big Picture)这本杂志上的一个专题"在现场"(On Location)发展而来的。《大银幕》这本季刊杂志一贯以一种更三四bu广阔的视角来看待电影。这系列专题每期刊载一个城市以及三、四部利用此地为背景拍摄的影片。我们发觉这个专题有发展为系列图书的潜质,在书中,我们可以加入影片截屏,地图,以及最重要的,原创摄影,用照片来展示这些取景地现在的真实模样。无论是网上还是现实中,一个由"探寻电影取景地爱好者"组成的群体正在不断壮大,有时他们戏称自己"跟着电影去旅行"(cinetourists),他们满世界搜寻自己最喜爱的电影的实拍地点。Intellect试图满足这个群体的需求,因此,这个图书系列诞生了。我个人觉得我们为这个讨论增添了一些深思熟虑和颇有洞见的新内容,不仅是关于电影,更是关于这些城市本身。这一点是目前极少有图书在关注的。 在最初的策划中,我们罗列了一长串我们想出版的城市,同时,也邀请那些潜在的撰稿人和编辑们一起开动脑筋,提请那些我们没想到的城市。我们事先选定了一些在我们看来最适合编辑特定城市的人选,然而最终这些编辑是通过正式向我本人递交的提案、经过多方面考虑与权衡而选定的。之后,当选的分册编辑需要在线提交目录大纲,以确定哪些内容将会出现在书中。 2014年我们计划出版的城市有:多伦多、莫斯科、罗马、哈瓦那、波士顿、上海、布宜诺斯艾利斯、雅典、弗洛伦萨、新加坡和悉尼。

Q:  World Film Location series almost becomes the signature of Intellect. What inspired you and your colleagues to create such a series? Could you describe the process of how these books come out from proposals? And what other cities are on the list to be published in the future?

A:  The idea for the World Film Locations series developed from a feature called 'On Location' published in The Big Picture, our quarterly film magazine that looks at cinema in a wider context. Each issue looks at a particular city and 3-4 films are chosen that make good use of the location. We felt that there was a real opportunity to expand on this feature in a series of books that would include film scene screengrabs, maps and - most importantly – original photographs of the actual locations as they appear now. There is a growing community online and offline of film location enthusiasts, sometimes called 'cinetourists', who are traveling the globe in search of locations where their favorite movies have been shot, and Intellect wanted to cater to this community with the World Film Locations series. What I feel that we add to this discussion are the considered and insightful texts about both the chosen film scenes and their locations, something that very few film location books are actually doing.When the series was first proposed, we put together a long list of cities we wanted to publish but were open to suggestions from potential contributors and editors for cities we hadn't considered. We preselected some editors who we felt were best suited for particular volumes, but the majority were contracted based on a formal proposal submitted to myself as series editor. A decision is then made based on the most thorough and considered proposal and the chosen editor then has to submit an outline of all the content that will be included in their volume. Books scheduled for release in 2014 are: Toronto, Moscow, Rome, Havana, Boston, Shanghai, Buenos Aires, Athens, Florence, Singapore and Sydney.



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